Crimmins Residential Staffing

When you’re looking to hire your next household employee, the first step is to secure a clear vision for your home. This is essential before you start the hiring process. For your household to run efficiently and effectively, any employee you appoint has to fit with the chemistry of your home, work well with existing staff, and match-up with the skill sets you need.

As you look at your particular situation, you need to consider yourself as the manager of your home. With each potential employee you meet, it’s important to assess what they are good at and what they lack (or dislike doing). When checking their references, you want to play the role of detective and do your best to determine their strengths and weaknesses. During the interview, many candidates will only highlight what they’re best at and say whatever it takes to land the job. Therefore, it’s critical that you use the interview to also uncover those qualities that aren’t always immediately evident.

Remember, it’s your house and you’re in control of the hiring process. Each agency will do their due diligence, but the more you participate and the deeper you evaluate each candidate, the greater your overall satisfaction will be. Make sure that the employee you appoint is the right fit and that he or she will ultimately make your home a better place to live.

Assessing home needs